AmigaOS3.5 (592/967)

From:Marion E. Wyatt
Date:17 May 2000 at 23:24:46
Subject:Re: Upgrade of system

On 16-May-00 at 17:00:04, Jonas Thorell wrote these words of wisdom:
> Robin Hueskes wrote:
>>> Can Softcinema do what Moovid can't? That is, play the movies
>>> on the workbench-screen without rendering it in glorious
>>> b&w?
>> When have you last seen Moovid ?
> I downloaded a version yesterday...
>> Here V1.2 it runs like a charm on WB
>> and it's some time ago I'd used SoftCinema
> And where do I get 1.2 from? Do I have to be a registered user for
> that?

I think so. Registered users are emailed the new versions aftr you ask
Lazlo. The new PPC version starting with 1.2 is a pay upgrade, but the 68k
is still a free upgrade.

> The version I downloaded from
> (that is the official homepage isn't it?) turned out to be
> 0.42 beta...
> Where can I lay my hands on a more recent version?

That may be the last demo version he released. It gives you good idea of the
GUI and how the program works. You must register to get the most from it.

Marion E Wyatt A3000 CSPPC/233+060/50 CV64/3D OS3.5 138MB 1+18.2GB ZIP100 Support commercial Only AMIGA Makes It Possible!
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